It's True, Traveling Makes Us Happier


We all have those special things that make us happy. Whether it be time relaxing with our favorite book, funny movies, or spending time with friends and family, but studies have shown that there is one thing that these cannot top. And that’s traveling. Travel is said to boost endorphins more than anything else, and here’s why.
A recent survey examined how people feel about travel and taking regular trips. Participants were asked about the importance of travel to them. Many of them answered that they felt the same about travel as they did about other important life accomplishments, like getting your dream job or starting a family. The sample included a whopping 17,000 people, and the results were astounding.

Participants covered a range of nationalities and came from 17 different countries in total.
Surprisingly, the study showed that a whopping 49% of people claimed that vacations made them happier than their wedding day, and 45% said something similar about their engagement. But it doesn’t stop there, 51% said that they take more from a trip away than a date with their partner and, if you can believe it, 29% said that taking a trip brings more happiness than having a baby. 72% said that just by simply planning a vacation, their satisfaction improved as well as their motivation, giving they had something to look forward to.
When questioned about the material things, 70% of the people said that they feel they benefit more from booking a holiday over buying something they need for their homes or themselves. However, many explained that shopping for a big journey also added to the amount of happiness they felt.

Guess it’s time to book that flight you’ve been thinking about.